Dr. 雷金纳德J. 钱德勒,小.


Dr. Reginald Chandler is an instructor for the engineering department at 特拉华州 Tech. 在2007年加入学院之前,博士. Chandler worked in private industry and taught at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. 在戴尔科技任职期间. Chandler rebuilt the architecture engineering technology program and brought it up to standard according to the National Architecture 认证 Board. Dr. Chandler has also served as the former Faculty Senate President on the College's Terry Campus. 在学院外. Chandler is a pastor for Scott African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in 威明顿 and Transformation African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in 多佛. Dr. 钱德勒也是一位出版作家.

Q: What is your favorite thing about working at 特拉华州 Tech?

"My favorite thing about working at 特拉华州 Tech is changing the lives of students! Helping and empowering students to fulfill their dreams energizes me. There is nothing like seeing students experience that euphoric moment when the lesson makes sense."

Q: Why was it important for you to work at 特拉华州 Tech?

"It was important for me to work at 特拉华州 Tech because I heard that it was the best place to teach. The word on the street was that faculty genuinely cared about their students and were encour年龄d to go beyond to help them be successful. I thought to myself, “I want to join that movement of student success!在为特拉华科技工作之前, I worked in private industry and as an adjunct for the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. I taught a Strength and Materials course that changed the trajectory of my career. After having such a wonderful experience with the students, I began to look for a college that would embrace my newfound passion."


"I worked as a project man年龄r in construction at multiple firms in Washington, 华盛顿和威尔明顿, 特拉华州. I am privileged to have worked for an architecture firm, general contractor, and subcontractor."

问:描述一下你在特拉华理工大学的第一天. 那是什么样的经历?

“我在特拉华理工大学的第一天非常棒. The Engineering Department under the leadership of Dr. 莱斯特·林克张开双臂欢迎我. He told me to tear down and rebuild the architecture engineering technology program. He gave me the professional freedom to bring the program up to the standard according to the National Architectural 认证 Board (NAAB). Though NAAB is for five-year architectural programs, Dr. Link wanted to prepare our students to have an option to continue their education at a senior institution or work as an architectural technician at a local firm. 与博士会面后. Link, I produced a dream plan of creating articulation agreements, 修改课程, 建立社区伙伴关系, and initiating clear pathways from middle school to college."

Q: What changes have you seen in yourself since you started working here?

"Some of the changes that I have seen in myself are an improvement in man年龄ment, 代表团, 注意细节. I am grateful that my supervisor and administration gave me room to make mistakes, 向他们学习, 成长为今天的我."

Q: What hobbies or interests do you have outside of the College

"An interest that I have outside of the College is that I am a Pastor. I oversee two congregations called Scott African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in 威明顿 and Transformation African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in 多佛. 另外, 我已经出版了三本书, 神, 帮助我们, 小祈祷书, 和《十大正规赌博平台大全》, 还有很多文章."

Q: Do you have a favorite memory from your time at 特拉华州 Tech thus far?

"A favorite memory that I have at 特拉华州 Tech is watching my students graduate. Architecture engineering technology is an incredibly challenging program with multiple levels of math. 每年, 我亲眼目睹我的学生在微积分预科课程上苦苦挣扎, 微积分, 物理, 统计数据, 材料强度, 仅举几个例子. 在他们旅程的终点, they prove to themselves that they can do it as they rise to the occasion of graduation."


"Something that people may not know about me is that I am a major fan of two superheroes named Batman and Ironman. Both men lack superpowers but rely on their education to be innovative and solve problems."


"My future goals are to work in administration and share my failures and success stories as an instructor. As the former Faculty Senate President at the Terry Campus, my vision was to have a collegewide faculty senate that would take an active role in curriculum review, 创新的检查点, 将宪法统一为一部宪法, and pursue the rank of number one from the Aspen Institute. I believed that the faculty senate should not only serve as a place where faculty can be honest without retribution but also a place where we fulfill the mission of the College. 在我看来, the Achieving the Dream process is an initial step in pursuit of being the number one community college in the nation."

Dr. 雷金纳德J. 钱德勒,小.
Dr. 雷金纳德J. 钱德勒,小.

